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Sunday School
9:00 AM
Morning Worship
10:00 AM


Aldult Bile Study
6:00 PM


Fellowship and Coffee
9:00 AM
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About Hope Lutheran

Hope Lutheran Church is a Confessional congregation of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. That means that we are Christ-centered and Cross-focused, confessing Jesus Christ and Him crucified for the forgiveness of sins.

We observe the Historic Liturgy based on God’s Word and handed down from the one Apostolic Church. Therefore, when you come for worship you won’t find a rock band or a light show, you won’t be handed the latest “Christian” fads or gimmicks. Simply put, we humbly gather around God’s Word and Sacraments to receive His divine gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation.

While visitors enjoy the family atmosphere, friendly people, and joyous fellowship, Hope Lutheran Church is first and foremost a place where you will be confronted with sin and comforted with the assurance that Jesus has died for that sin so that you can live each day as his baptized, forgiven child.

Mission Statement

Loving God, loving people and serving the world!

We Believe

Grace Alone

God loves the people of the world. Even though they are sinful, rebel against Him, and do not deserve His love. He sent Jesus, His Son, for us.

Faith Alone

Through the suffering and death of Jesus, as the substitute for all people of all time, Jesus won forgiveness and eternal life. Those who hear this Good News and believe it will have the eternal life it offers. God created faith in Christ and gives people forgiveness through him.

Scripture Alone

The Bible is God's inerrant and infallible Word, in which He reveals His Law and His Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ. It is the sole rule and norm for Christian doctrine.